Why am I having trouble sleeping?
Menopause brings about hormonal changes that affect many aspects of your life. This includes the quality and duration of your sleep. These changes are common, and a supplement may help.
What is DailyZzTM?
DailyZzTM is a botanical blend of sleep-promoting polyphenols to support better sleep and next day cognitive function.^*
Polyphenols are compounds naturally occurring in many plant foods like blueberries, plums, cherries, apples, strawberries, black currants, dark chocolate, black tea, coffee, hazel nuts, and pecans. Polyphenols found in DailyZzTM come from spearmint extract and green tea.
What foods have polyphenols?
Green Tea
Explore Additional Ingredients
DailyZz™ is a trademark of Kemin Industries, Inc.
^A clinical study showed improvement in quality of sleep and next-day cognitive function after 30 days of nightly use of DailyZz™*
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.